Dr. Yifan Yang

Dr. Yifan Yang began his journey in TCM as a student at Guangzhou University of TCM in the 1970s. After completing his five-year Bachelor of TCM, he became a lecturer and practitioner of TCM by the Affiliated Hospital of the Guangzhou University of TCM. He subsequently completed a Master of TCM at the same university.

Dr. Yang immigrated to Sydney with his family in 1989. He joined SITCM as a lecturer in 1990, and opened his own TCM clinic in 1992. For over 30 years, he has worked continuously as a TCM practitioner and SITCM teacher.

In 1995, Dr. Yang participated in the first double-blind TCM clinical trial at an Australian public hospital, on treating Hepatitis C. From 1994 to 1999, he served as President of the NSW Association of Chinese Medicine. From 2000 to 2001, he was a member of the Western Sydney University committee responsible for advising on the design of their new Bachelor of TCM course.

Dr. Yang served as CEO of SITCM from 2007 to 2023, and is currently one of its Directors. In this role, he ensures that the Institute provides an outstanding education to the next generation of TCM practitioners. 


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