What is Academic Misconduct?

Types of student academic misconduct:

  • Plagiarism (to ensure that you do not accidentally plagiarise, please review our Referencing page).
  • Cheating in exams, test, quizzes
  • Contract Cheating
  • Collusion
  • Enabling plagiarism and cheating
  • Falsification and fabrication

Please refer to Section 2.1 of Student Academic Misconduct Policy for a more detailed explanation of the above.

Any engagement in the above acts will result in an allegation of academic misconduct.

What happens when an allegation of academic misconduct is identified?

Instances of academic misconduct may be considered minor or major and will initially be handled by the Course Coordinator.

  • The Course Coordinator will enter this allegation into the student file.
  • The allegation will be assessed and if evidence is found, the student is notified within five working days. The decision maker emails a concern letter to the student.
  • The student must respond within 10 working days from receipt of the written communication.
  • The decision maker considers the student response, evidence and records the investigation and decision.
  • The decision maker sends a letter to the student advising them of the outcome.

Please refer to the Section 3 of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy for further information.


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