The information on this page is extracted from our fee policies, which are subject to change from time to time. Before accepting an offer, please check the Fees Policy and Procedure.
This section applies to domestic students only. A domestic student is:
All other students are international students, and should click the “International Students” tab above.
FEE-HELP is a student loan scheme that is funded by the Commonwealth Government to assist eligible students to pay for all or part of their tuition fees. For more information and to apply, please visit our FEE-HELP page.
Austudy, ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance, the Student Start-up Loan, and the Relocation Scholarship are available for eligible, full-time students. For more information, please refer to the Study Assist website.
Incidental fees are not covered by tuition fees. Incidental fees include:
For a full list of SITCM’s incidental fees, please refer to the Fees Policy and Procedure.
Students are required to externally complete the following certificates and checks at their own expense prior to commencing the Year 2 unit “ACU207: TCM Practice 1 (Acupuncture Techniques)”.
Fee-paying students who require an extension to the payment due date can apply for a fee instalment plan, in which a tuition fee is split into instalments of three or less. Approval is at the discretion of SITCM. To apply, please submit an Application for Fee Instalment Plan form (available from the Administration Office) to Any applications submitted after the census date are automatically rejected.
The census date for a unit of study is the last day in Week 4 of a semester (for details refer to the Academic Calendar). If a student withdraws or defers from a unit on or before the census date for that unit, 100% of tuition fees paid for that unit will be refunded to the student. If a student withdraws or defers from a unit of study after census date for that unit of study, no refund is available except as permitted in the Special Circumstances Refund Policy and Procedure (as published on our Policies and Forms webpage). For further details, please refer to the Refund Policy and Procedure on our Policies and Forms webpage.
A student may receive a refund if SITCM defaults for one of the following reasons:
A refund of unspent tuition fees may be provided within two weeks of the default day. Please refer to the Course Discontinuation Policy and Procedure (available on our Policies and Forms webpage) for further details.
The information on this page is extracted from our fee policies, which are subject to change from time to time. Before accepting an offer, please check the current Fees Policy and Procedure and Refund Policy and Procedure on our Policies and Forms webpage.
This section applies to international students only. An international student is anyone who is NOT any of the following:
International applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee of AUD$285.00 upon accepting offer of enrolment.
No fees will be transferred to other external institutions or persons.
Incidental fees are not covered by tuition fees. Incidental fees include:
For a full list of SITCM’s incidental fees, please refer to the Fees Policy and Procedure.
Students are required to externally complete the following certificates and checks at their own expense prior to commencing the Year 2 unit “ACU207: TCM Practice 1 (Acupuncture Techniques)”.
International students who require an extension to the payment due date can apply for a fee instalment plan, in which a tuition fee is split into instalments of three or less, if they are not in their first semester of study. Approval is at the discretion of SITCM. To apply, please submit an Application for Fee Instalment Plan form (available from the Administration Office) to Any applications submitted after the census date are automatically rejected.
For further details, please refer to the Refund Policy and Procedure on our Policies and Forms webpage.
A student may receive a refund if SITCM defaults for one of the following reasons:
A refund of unspent tuition fees may be provided within two weeks of the default day. Please refer to the Course Discontinuation Policy and Procedure (available on our Policies and Forms webpage) for further details.