
The SITCM Library is dedicated to serving the teaching and practice of TCM, with a focus on the collection of TCM-related resources. Located on Level 6 of the Sydney Harbour Plaza Building, the library offers over 3,600 physical resources and over 3,700 electronic resources including electronic journals, eBooks, and other eLearning materials. Librarian Rosa is there to assist library users from Monday to Wednesday, while Librarian Tony works in the library from Thursday to Friday. Opening hours are 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (access is available through the admin office on Level 5 if the library is closed), Monday to Friday, during the semester.

Students and staff may request library purchases by submitting a completed Application for Library Purchase or Full Text Access to Journal Article Form (available on Moodle) to the Librarian.

For more information about the library, please refer to the Library Loan Policy and Procedure (available on the SITCM website and Moodle), and the Facilities and Resources Review Policy (available on Moodle).



Key Dates