
SITCM is committed to developing and maintaining an effective, timely and fair grievance (complaints) handling system which is easily accessible to all relevant stakeholders.

SITCM has three grievance policies (available on the SITCM’s policy page):

  • Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure: only for SITCM staff.
  • Academic Grievance Policy and Procedure: only for SITCM students whose grievance relates to an academic matter.
  • Non-Academic Grievance Policy and Procedure: for all other grievance cases.

SITCM stakeholders (excluding staff, who follow another process) have access to a four-stage academic grievance procedure:

  1. Informal Grievance: you can attempt to resolve the issue with the relevant person directly, if you feel comfortable doing so.
  2. Formal Grievance: you can submit a formal grievance by providing a completed Grievances and Complaints Declaration Form to the Administration Office. The Course Coordinator will generally investigate academic grievances and the Registrar will generally investigate all other grievances (provided there is no conflict of interest).
  3. Internal Appeal: you must submit an appeal by completing the Appeals section of the Complaints and Grievances Declaration Form and providing it to the Administration Office within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of your formal grievance. The appeal will be investigated by an appeal panel of three senior staff.
  4. External Appeal: SITCM will participate in external mediation, using a mutually-agreed upon mediator, and will cover the reasonable costs of the mediation. SITCM will provide due consideration of recommendations arising from an external appeal.

Key Dates