Campus Safety

SITCM is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful Campus. We take a zero-tolerance approach to Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH). For detailed information, please refer to our Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure.

Please also see AHPRA’s position statement on sexism, sexual harassment or violence in healthcare: AHPRA Position Statement.


  • In an emergency, call 000.
  • If you feel otherwise unsafe on campus, you can call building security on 0449 077 699 (Monday to Thursday) or 0404 114 973 (Friday to Sunday).

Support from SITCM

The SASH Taskforce is responsible for ensuring that the SITCM Campus is safe and respectful. If you have been affected by sexual assault or sexual harassment, they can help by:

  • Listening and advising you on the options available;
  • Assisting you if you wish to get to a hospital  for medical care or the preservation of forensic evidence;
  • Assisting you if you wish to contact the police;
  • Directing you to appropriate dedicated external counselling/support services;
  • Assisting you if you wish for SITCM to initiate a formal investigation.

You can contact the SASH Taskforce through this email:

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is unlawful under both the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).

Sexual harassment means unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by a person in relation to another person, in circumstances which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated would offend, humiliate or intimidate the other person.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, the following unwelcome behaviour:

  • Stalking, staring or leering.
  • Unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person or unwelcome touching.
  • Suggestive comments or jokes.
  • Insults or taunts of a sexual nature.
  • Making promises or threats in return for sexual favours.
  • Displays of sexually graphic materials including posters, cartoons or messages left on notice boars, desks, or common areas.
  • Sending explicit emails or text messages.
  • Inappropriate advances on social networking sites.
  • Request for sex or repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates.
  • Behaviour that may be considered an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications.

What is Sexual Assault?

  • SITCM defines sexual assault as when a person intentionally carries out an physical act with another person, in circumstances where the act is sexual and the other person does not consent.
  • This is more serious than sexual harassment, and is a crime according to the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) Part 3 Division 10: Sexual Offences against Adults and Children.

A person might not be capable of consenting to an act if they:

  • Consent while substantially intoxicated by alcohol or any drug;
  • Consent because of intimidatory or coercive conduct, or other threat, that does not involve a threat of force; or
  • Consent because of the abuse of a position of authority or trust.

Not offering actual physical resistance to a sexual activity is not by itself regarded as consent.

External Support

Emergency Services000 You are in immediate danger
Day Street Police Station(02) 9265 6499 You wish to report an incident to the police but are not in
immediate danger
1800RESPECT1800 737 732 You have been impacted by sexual assault and seek confidential
information, counselling or support
Eastern & Central Sydney
Sexual Assault Service
(02) 9515 9040
(02) 9515 6111
(after hours)
You have been sexually assaulted and seek confidential
information, counselling or support
NSW Rape Crisis Centre1800 424 017 You have experienced or are at risk of sexual assault and seek
crisis counselling
Australian Human Rights Commission1300 656 419You wish to make a formal sexual harassment complaint

Key Dates