TCM Practice 1 (Acupuncture Techniques)

General Information
Duration 1 semester
Level Year 2, Semester 2
Unit Weighting Unit Credit Points: 10 credit points
Total Course Credit Points: 320 credit points
Student Workload Number of timetabled hours per week: 9 (including 5 hours clinical practice)
Number of personal study hours per week: 1
Total workload hours per week: 10
Prerequisites ACU202 Channels and Points 2; CHM203 Chinese Herbal Medicine & Formulae2; and a valid Senior First Aid Certificate, police check and work-with-children check.
Academic Details
Description This unit is focused on the study of Acupuncture Techniques and includes additional 70-hours of supervised clinical practice as a Level 2 ‘observer’ in the Clinical Practice Program (CPP).
The study of acupuncture techniques covers the theory and practical techniques pertaining to the therapeutic stimulation of the body using needles, moxa and cupping techniques. The unit include an examination of the origins and development of acupuncture needling, moxibustion and cupping theory, and discussion of the mechanisms by which acupuncture and moxibustion work according to both traditional Chinese and Western scientific perspectives. The focus of this unit of study is on the theories of point selection, and the theory and practical techniques for the safe and effective insertion, manipulation, removal and disposal of needles, effective application of moxibustion and cupping. Comprehensive content to support practical classes is provided to ensure that students practice in a safe and hygienic environment.
The unit involves 70-hours of CPP supervised clinical practice which aims to foster the students’ active participation in basic clinical procedures involved in the diagnosis and management of patients as an Observer. Supervised clinical practice will take place in the SITCM teaching clinic. However, one third of those hours (or a max. of 21 hours) may be undertaken externally in an approved external TCM clinic(s). Level 2 Observer status will provide the student with a comprehensive foundation in clinic and patient management including pulse and tongue diagnosis, clinical decision making, herbal treatment, acupuncture treatment with needles, moxibustion, and cupping.
Emphasis throughout clinical practice is placed on developing the student’s commitment to infection prevention and control, appropriate reporting of adverse events, the implementation of appropriate first aid measures when required, and referral and prompt transfer to medical services where necessary. A key feature throughout the teaching and learning in this unit is focused on achieving excellence in the practice of acupuncture and contributing to improving both the quality of life of patients and the wellbeing of the community and the environment.
Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Explain the history and rationale for acupuncture treatment within the Chinese medicine theoretical paradigm including the functions and therapeutic aims of Filiform acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and Guasha treatments.
  2. Examine the principles of point selection, the combination of points, the methods of point stimulation, common clinical conditions indications, strengths, limitations, risks, precautions and contraindications related to interactions between acupuncture and other therapeutic approaches.
  3. Identify issues related to risk management, infection control and cultural sensitivity in the application of acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and Guasha treatments within the Australian healthcare context.
  4. Demonstrate the safe and effective application and practice of acupuncture techniques under supervision.
  5. Demonstrate active participation in the full range of learning activities as a Level 2 Observer in clinical practice (including: problem-focused interviews, examination, discussion with the peers and supervisors regarding integrated TCM diagnosis, pattern differentiation, treatment plans including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and formulas, herbal identification and dispensing, patient management, record keeping and clinic duties).
  6. Demonstrate adherence to relevant NSQHS Standards, CMBA Code of Conduct and Guidelines, safe and professional practice, procedures for the appropriate reporting of adverse events, and implementation of appropriate first aid measures when necessary.

Key Dates