Research Methods

General Information
Duration 1 semester
Level Year 2, Semester 1
Unit Weighting Unit Credit Points: 10 credit points
Total Course Credit Points: 320 credit points
Student Workload Number of timetabled hours per week: 4
Number of personal study hours per week: 6
Total workload hours per week: 10
Prerequisites PRI104: Communication in Health
Academic Details
Description This unit is focused on developing for students a foundation in evidenced-based practice including basic research knowledge and skills such as the critical review of literature, data collection, developing research questions, and the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the scientific process, research ethics and research misconduct.
The unit aims to nurture and develop scientific thinking in Chinese medicine and critical thinking in general. Students learn about different types of research and its scope, data collation, how to understand and interpret statistics, research methodologies, how to evaluate and critique research publications, and how to conduct and write a literature review. Emphasis throughout the unit is focused on basic research methodologies and developing a scientific mode of thinking for application to the practice of Chinese medicine.
Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Identify a research question within the context of healthcare and conduct a literature review in both contemporary Chinese medicine and a relevant health science field.
  2. Examine the concepts, principles, its evaluation in the health sciences, the significance of hierarchy of evidence, the basic types of investigation found in health study.
  3. Apply accurate statistical measurement procedures in selected research and clinical settings.
  4. Critically evaluate the role and contribution of research and research ethics by drawing on examples from published health science research and recent research findings in Chinese medicine.

Key Dates