Clinical Diagnosis 2

General Information
Duration 1 semester (14 teaching weeks)
Level Year 3, Semester 6
Unit Weighting Unit Credit Points: 10 credit points
Total Course Credit Points: 320 credit points
Student Workload Number of timetabled hours per week: 4
Number of personal study hours per week: 6
Total workload hours per week: 10
Prerequisites/ Corequisites HMS301 Clinical Diagnosis 1
Academic Details
Description This unit further develops the knowledge and skills acquired in previous HMS units of study with a particular focus on Clinical diagnosis. The unit focuses on the clinical aspects of contemporary biomedicine and builds on the prior studies in Clinical Diagnosis 1 (HMS301) to provide students with broad understanding of the clinical diagnosis (mainly) and management of common diseases and disorders. The main disorders of each body system will be examined to provide students with an overview of their diagnosis and treatment and to enable them to communicate effectively with patients, other medical practitioners and facilitate appropriate referrals.
Learning outcomes Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Describe the classification of diseases in clinical medicine
  2. Critically analyse the aetiology, population-group specific burden, development and progression of the common disorders
  3. Systematically describe the main diagnostic methods of common disorders in Western Medicine, and explain and critique the differential diagnosis of the main diseases based on clinical data, including the results of radiographic and laboratory tests
  4. Critically evaluate the clinical management of common disorders and the need for referral in certain conditions to/from other healthcare practitioners
Unit requirement To successfully complete the unit, students must: attend 80% of all the lectures and tutorial classes; attempt all assessment tasks including summative and formative assessments and achieve at least 50% of the total marks, and achieve a mark of at least 40% in the final examination.
Assessment Assessment 1: Essay (20%)

Assessment 2: Group Presentation (Case Studies) (30%)

Assessment 3: Final Examination (50%)

Prescribed text * The prescribed and recommended readings are subject to annual review.

Ralston S, Penman I, Strachan M and Hobson R., (Eds.). (2018). Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine (23rd ed.). Edinburgh, New York: Churchill Livingstone/ Elsevier.

Recommended readings Wilkinson I, Raine T, Wiles K, Goodhart A and Hall C., (2017). Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (10th ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Medical Journal of Australia:

PLOS Medicine: A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal:

American Journal of Preventative Medicine:

BMJ Journals: Journal of Medical Ethics:

Biomed Central:

The Lancet:


Key Dates