Channels & Points 2

General Information
Duration 1 semester
Level Year 2, Semester 1
Unit Weighting Unit Credit Points: 10 credit points
Total Course Credit Points: 320 credit points
Student Workload Number of timetabled hours per week: 8.5 (include 4.5 hours clinic practice)
Number of personal study hours per week: 1.5
Total workload hours per week: 10
Prerequisites TCM106 TCM Diagnosis & Clinical Theory; ACU107 Channels and Points 1; CHM108 Chinese Herbal Medicine & Formulae 1
Academic Details
Description This unit is a continuation of ACU107 Channels and Points 1 to extend and deepen the student’s understanding of the theory and application of Channels and Points covered in ACU107. This unit involves a total of 50-hours of supervised clinical practice as a Level 2: ‘Observer’ in the Clinical Practice Program.
The unit comprehensively explores the composition and functions of the channels and points of the Urinary Bladder channel, the Kidney channel, the Pericardium channel, the Gall Bladder channel and the Liver channel, Extra Channels including Chong Mai, Dai Mai, Yang Qiao and Yin Qiao Mai, Yin Wei and Yang Wei Mai, and Extra (non-channel) points.
Students study the distribution of each channel, the name and number of each acupuncture point, their location, classification, therapeutic functions, clinical indications, cautions and contraindications and investigate the significance of the Primary Channels and the Divergent Channel. The Collaterals Channel, the Sinew Channel and the Cutaneous region of each meridian is also explored.
Additionally, this unit includes 50-hours of supervised clinical practice (comprised on 35 hours in the SITCM Teaching Clinic and 15 hours in an approved external TCM clinic or clinics). Clinical practice at ‘Observer’ level (CPP Level 2 classification) introduces the management of the clinic and patients, observation of data collection, TCM diagnosis, case analysis, and the handling of acupuncture and Chinese herbal equipment. Students are expected to be active participants in basic clinical procedures and to engage in clinical discussion and reflection.
Learning outcomes On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

  1. Describe the channels and points of the Urinary Bladder Channel, the Kidney Channel, the Pericardium Channel, the Gall Bladder Channel, the Liver Channel; Eight Extra Channels (incl. Chong Mai, Dai Mai, Yang Qiao and Yin Qiao Mai, Yin Wei and Yang Wei Mai and excluding Du Mai and Ren Mai); the Collaterals Channel, the Sinew Channel and the Cutaneous region of each meridian; and Extra points (non-channel) points.
  2. Define the theories of acupuncture points including name, number, general features (categories), location, functions, clinical indications, cautions and contraindications.
  3. Explain the significance of the symptoms and signs associated with disorders of the Channels and Collaterals.
  4. Demonstrate accuracy in the location of acupoints, safe and appropriate needling techniques for each point in the supervised simulated settings.
  5. Describe the procedures for the assessment and management of the patient’s health issues including interview protocols, procedures for a physical examination, diagnosis, treatment of herbal and acupuncture, record keeping, and patient interaction, explanation, and education.
  6. Demonstrate adherence to CMBA’s policies, Code of Conduct and Guidelines for professional and ethical clinical practice and the requirements related to restricted Chinese herbs.

Key Dates