Channels & Points 1

General Information
Duration 1 semester (14 teaching weeks)
Level Year 1, Semester 2
Unit Weighting Unit Credit Points: 10 credit points
Total Course Credit Points: 320 credit points
Student Workload Number of timetabled hours per week: 4
Number of personal study hours per week: 6
Total workload hours per week: 10
Prerequisites/ Corequisites HMS101 Human Anatomy 1; TCM103 Fundamental Theory of TCM
Academic Details
Description This unit introduces students to Channel and Point theory in Chinese medicine. A total of 400 acupuncture points will be studied over the next two semesters. This unit presents a comprehensive coverage of the composition and functions of the Channels and Points of the Governing vessel (Du Mai), Conception vessel (Ren Mai), Lung Channel, Large Intestine Channel, Stomach Channel, Spleen Channel, Heart Channel and Small Intestine Channel. Students study acupuncture points; their name and number of each point; the location of individual points; their classification; and their therapeutic functions and clinical indications. Students explore and explain the significance of the Primary Channels and discuss the Divergent Channel, the Collateral Channel, the Sinew Channel and the Cutaneous region of each channel.
Learning outcomes Upon the completion of this unit the student will be able to:

  1. Outline the history, development, composition and function of the Channel and Collateral system, and the distribution and connection of each of the various components of the system
  2. Describe and explain the channels and points of the Governing vessel (Du Mai), Conception vessel (Ren Mai), Lung channel, Large Intestine Channel, Stomach Channel, Spleen Channel, Heart Channel and Small Intestine Channel
  3. Explain the significance of the symptoms and signs associated with disorders of the Channels and Collaterals
  4. Identify the proportional measurement method used in acupuncture point location
  5. Describe and explain the theories of acupuncture points including their general features and functions, categories, significance, name and number, and demonstrate the needling technique for each point.
  6. Explain the cautions and contraindications for Channels and Points
Unit requirement To successfully complete the unit, students must: attend 80% of all the lectures and tutorial classes; attempt all assessment tasks and achieve at least 50% of the total marks, and achieve a mark of at least 40% in the final examination.
Assessment Assessment 1: Short Answer Questions (15%)

Assessment 2: Practical Test (20%)

Assessment 3: Essay (15%)

Assessment 4: Final examination (50%)

Prescribed text * The prescribed and recommended readings are subject to annual review.

Deadman, P., Al-Khafaji, M., & Baker, K. (2007). A manual of acupuncture (2nd ed.). Hove, East Sussex: Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications.

Recommended readings Birch, S et al (2014) Restoring Order in Health and Chinese Medicine: Studies of the development and use of Qi and the channels” La Liebre de Marzo, S.L

Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (2013). Infection prevention and control guidelines for acupuncture practice. Available at 01/09/2013).

Ellis, A., Boss, K., & Wiseman, N. (1989). Grasping the wind. Brookline, Mass: Paradigm Publications.

Li, D. (1991). Acupuncture, meridian theory, and acupuncture points (B. You, Z. Wang Trans.). Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press.

Low, R. H. (1983). The secondary vessels of acupuncture: A detailed account of their energies, meridians and control points. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Thorsons.

Maciocia, G. (2006). The channels of acupuncture: Clinical use of the secondary channels and eight extraordinary vessels. Philadelphia, Pa.: Churchill Livingstone.

National Health and Medical Research Council (2010). Australian Guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare.Australian Government: Canberra. Available at 04/09/2013)

Ping et al, “Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory of Lung being connected with Large Intestine”, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, V32, I 3, September 2012, Pages 482-487.

“The Acupuncture Evidence Project” Developed by the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association available in full here:

Unschuld, P.U. (1985) Medicine in China: “A History of Ideas”, University of California Press.


Key Dates