Clinical Practicum

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The Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine includes a clinic component that is spread over a range of course units from Year 1 Semester 2 to Year 4 Semester 2. This page includes information on the clinic component’s objectives, structure and external clinics.


  • Foster student learning by providing practical experience that enables the integration and consolidation of theory and practice.
  • Promote the development of professional conduct through self-assessment, self-awareness, and critical analysis.
  • Cultivate an appreciation for the interconnectedness of research and clinical practice.
  • Elevate student professional and clinical performance through ongoing review and development.
  • Enhance students’ understanding of their professional identity and roles within healthcare teams, encouraging collaboration as interprofessional team members.
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Clinical practice is designed to introduce the student to all facets of operation within a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinic. It employs problem-oriented, case-based learning methodology that includes a multi-level developmental process.

The clinical component commences in Semester 2 of Year 1 and continues for the duration of the four-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) course. It requires a total of 900 hours of supervised practice, covering at least 410 cases, and is divided into five levels:

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Level 1 (Year 1): Beginner – 30 hours, 2 cases
Level 2 (Year 2): Observer – 120 hours, 45 cases
Level 3 (Year 3 Sem 1): Clinic assistant – 100 hours, 35 cases
Level 4 (Year 3 Sem 2): Student Practitioner – 100 hours, 48 cases
Level 5 (Year 4): Intern Practitioner – 550 hours, 470 cases

All clinic hours must be completed at the SITCM Teaching Clinic, except:

  • Level 2 students must spend 15-40 hours at an external TCM clinic.
  • Level 3 students may spend up to 34 hours at an external TCM clinic.
  • Level 4 students may spend up to 34 hours at an interprofessional clinic.
  • Level 5  students must spend 42 hours at an interprofessional clinic.

The purpose of external clinic hours is to expose students to a broad range of cases, clinic environments and practicing styles. These hours may only be spent observing – no cases may be completed at an external clinic.

Learning begins with observation and critical reflection as a beginner (Level 1) and observer (Level 2). These skills are further enhanced through supervised case management of clients as clinic assistant and student practitioner (Levels 3 and 4 respectively) with students concluding the clinical practice module with an intensive training unit as an intern practitioner (Level 5). All learning occurs under the supervision of professionally qualified practitioners, and students are required to proactively participate in all of their clinical learning experiences.

For any inquiries related to clinical practice, please contact Ms Rosa Zhang, Manager of the Clinical Practice Program, by emailing or calling (02) 9212 1968.

Approved External TCM Clinic Supervisors

SITCM provides a selection of approved external TCM clinical placement locations and supervisors to meet the needs of the students enrolled in the BTCM study.

NoNameClinic AddressPhoneEmail
1Mr Hoc Ku Huynh62 Smart St, Fairfield NSW 2165

Unit 95, Level 2, 515 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000
9724 4560

0418 297 698
2Dr Daniel Deng6/62-64 Cronulla St, Cronulla NSW 22309523 6663

0431 800 200
3Ms Sunny Wang
Shop 14/369 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood NSW 20679411 6666

0407 228 393
4Dr Funing Guo334 Darling St, Balmain NSW 20409555 8512

9909 3688
5Mr Kevin Lu75-77 Ultimo Rd, Haymarket NSW 20009281 3658

0416 288 738
6Mr David SuhShop 12/427-441 Victoria Ave, Chatswood NSW 20679413 9557

0403 009 314
7Mr Rodrigo SanchezLevel 4, 229 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 20008213
8Ms Fanny Huen FungSuite 20, Level 1, Railway Parade, Burwood NSW 21340416 668
* This supervisor currently operates in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine only (not Herbal Dispensing). Therefore, students may spend at most half of their external clinic observation hours with this supervisor.

CMBA Registration Requirement

Under the National Law, all students enrolled in an approved program of study or who are undertaking a period of clinical training in Chinese medicine must be registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia.
If you are enrolled in an approved program of study or clinical training in Chinese medicine you do not need to apply for registration as a student. AHPRA manages registration matters on behalf of the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. AHPRA will work directly with your education provider to obtain details of all students who need to be registered.

There are no fees for student registration. The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia will register you for the duration of study or clinical training in Chinese medicine, or until you are no longer enrolled.

Please visit AHPRA’s Student Registration page for more information.


Key Dates