Ms Priscilla Guo


Year Level Coordinator (Year 1)
Lectures in:
PRI104 Communication in Health

Relevant Qualification(s) and Experience:  

Bachelor Honours of Psychology (University of Sydney) 2008.

  • 2013-present: Associate Lecturer, SITCM
  • 2007-2017: Registrar, SITCM
  • 2011: tutor, UNSW

Ms Rosa Zhang

Position Librarian
Phone +61 2 9212 1968
Postal Address PO Box K623, Haymarket 2000
Academic & Professional Qualifications:
  • Diploma of Library & information service Sydney Institute Ultimo Campus·
  • Advanced Diploma of Accounting Granville College of TAFE
Relevant Employment/Experience:
  • Mar, 2006 -Jun, 2006 Industry placement II Liverpool city library·
  • Aug, 2005 –Oct, 2006 Industry placement I Macquarie Field TAFE library·
  • Jan1994-Feb, 2000 Language Professionals