What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves inserting needles into key nerve points in the body. Proponents of the art say it can help with everything from weight loss to anxiety to infertility although strong scientific research has yet to be done to determine how effective it really Read More
While many people consider massages to be relaxing luxuries, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, massage is used for its therapeutic properties just as often. One such type of massage is Tui Na, which, like acupuncture, aims to stimulate various channels within the body. By stimulating these areas using pressure, Tui Na attempts to Read More
Massage has many benefits that have been researched and stated for many decades. People may seek massage treatments for relaxation and improving function and health-related quality of life. The benefits of massage have been supported by current research evidence (1-3). This is why massages have long been offered as part of physical therapy practices Read More