Acupuncture is taking its place among treatments for a range of conditions throughout the world. In Australia, ten percent of the population has had acupuncture treatment by physicians or acupuncturists in private clinics. Over 10 million visits are made to acupuncturists every year. Third-party payment is available in six of the eight Australian states and Read More
THE BENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS The chances are good that you’ve at least heard about mindfulness—and perhaps are also aware of its benefits. Some of the most inspiring of these proven benefits of mindfulness include: reduction of stress enhanced ability to deal with illness facilitation of recovery from illness decreased depressive symptoms improved overall health But Read More
Acupuncture has so many benefits, from pain relief to the help with anxiety and depression. However, if you don’t care for yourself properly afterward, you might be losing some of the benefits. So, what can you do after your acupuncture treatment to ensure that it is working as effectively as possible? You must relax after Read More
Spring is so close, and that means bright, sunny days, more time outside, flowers, and gentle rains. In Traditional Chinese Medicine circles, each season requires us to take personal measures to ensure we remain healthy, centred, and balanced. The Five Elements The traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy on spring includes living in harmony with the universe Read More
Do you find it challenging waking up after hitting the sack? Morning people usually stay proactive during the day, and this makes their work easy and their output more productive. Many successful company CEOs are generally up by 5 am. Being tired is the root of waking up late and can at times be chronic, Read More
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the stomach is associated with worry. Many people spend a good part of their day worrying about what they eat and how it affects their health and life. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on restoring balance to the body. The five flavours of TCM, along with eating whole foods, can lead Read More