Acupuncture does not get talked about nearly enough of the useful health benefits it provides users. This might be due to the fact that a lot of medical professionals are not aware of the scientific research and data that supports the effectiveness of acupuncture. In any case, acupuncture can provide people with relief. In this Read More
The inability to conceive a child can be a source of much sorrow for a couple. Sometimes there is no apparent reason for the problem, and that just makes it harder. But there is hope. Acupuncture has an amazing ability to help couples conceive and is fast becoming a recognised and effective method for treating Read More
Acupuncture is a complementary health technique in which trained practitioners insert needles in specific points of the body to stimulate the flow of energy or chi. Acupuncture treatment is relatively pain-free which can be used to help in the treatment of margarine, depression, insomnia and chronic pains. The therapy corrects imbalances of energy in the body. The Read More
Australia is on the brink of an opioid overdose epidemic that threatens to rival that of the one now raging in the United States, where nearly 100 people a day die from opioid overdose. Not even car accidents kill that many. In Australia, deaths from opioid overdoses have more than doubled since 2007. A quarter of Read More
Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for over thousands of years and has proven effective for many different treatments. However, for those who have tried everything to lose weight and still have unsuccessful results, it may be time to look to the past to get results for the future. ACUPUNCTURE While acupuncture has been used Read More
The practice of acupuncture dates back thousand of years to China (a few hundred years before the common era) and is based on the theory that life energy – – known as Qi or Chi – – flows through the body along channels or pathways known as meridians. When Qi is blocked, health problems ensue. An important Read More