The Evolution of High Tech Acupuncture

Scientists and practitioners have built a strong case for the use of traditional Chinese acupuncture. Over the last three decades, research has continued to confirm the extensive benefits of this therapy. Expanding on acupuncture‘s proven effectiveness as an analgesic, exciting new developments combine acupuncture with other technologies to advance medical treatment plans.

A new joint study shows groundbreaking results in biomolecular cancer research. During this study, Professor Su-Il In and his partners found that by combining traditional acupuncture with electrical nanotechnology they could decrease the incidence of abnormal vascular clusters that usually precede colorectal cancer in rats. The amazing results didn’t stop there, the research team also found that the combination of acupuncture and technology seems to slow the maturation rate of colorectal cancer in rats.

the research team also found that the combination of acupuncture and technology seems to slow the maturation rate of colorectal cancer in rats.

In the aforementioned study, the researchers used electrochemical nanotechnology to turn traditional acupuncture needles into nanoporous needles. This manipulation increased the surface area of the needles which doubled the electrophysical signal produced by the stimulus and led to the surprising results.


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