While many people consider massages to be relaxing luxuries, in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, massage is used for its therapeutic properties just as often. One such type of massage is Tui Na, which, like acupuncture, aims to stimulate various channels within the body. By stimulating these areas using pressure, Tui Na attempts to harmonise the yin and yang.

What is Tui Na?

Translated literally, the term “Tui Na” actually means “to push or grasp.” This translation is indicative of the types of moves used a Tui Na practitioner during a therapeutic massage. As Tui Na focuses on targeting the body’s soft tissues, the client’s clothing can remain on during a session. The practitioner may use a combination of acupressure, kneading, rolling, and pinching as they target a specific muscle, group of muscles or tendons. The benefits of Tui Na can be felt almost immediately. 

When is Tui Na used?

Tui Na can be used to help in the treatment of a variety of conditions and a variety of settings. It is also often used in pediatric settings for children who are unable to receive acupuncture. Like most types of soft tissue manipulation, studies have shown that massage therapies such as Tui Na can help to reduce muscle pain as well as inflammation. Tui Na also allows for the focused targeting of specific areas of the body, which can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to patients with acute pain in their neck or back. Some studies have even concluded that Tui Na can be an effective form of intervention for children with anorexia.

After learning about the practice of Tui Na, are you interested in receiving a Tui Na from an experienced practitioner? If you are, SITCM’s Teaching Clinic offers Tui Na to patients looking to receive this type of therapy. Contact us today to learn more about Tui Na or to schedule your appointment.

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