Tui Na is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which, like acupuncture and herbal treatment, focuses on encouraging the flow of Qi, or the body’s vital energy, to promote health and healing. Understanding how Tui Na is utilised and who may best benefit from this form of treatment can help you determine if Tui Na is right for you. 

Tui Na in Action

Tui Na is an ancient form of Chinese massage and musculoskeletal manipulation. It employs specific techniques, including rhythmic compression along the routes through which the body’s blood and energy flow, with the intention of increasing circulation and relieving blockages that may be causing discomfort, illness, or pain. Careful stretching and lubrication of joints, sometimes aided by the use of poultices, compresses, or other topical ointments, supports treatment. For a more in-depth understanding of Tui Na techniques and methods click here

A Tui Na consultation should include a discussion of your presenting issue, and your practitioner should explain his or her recommended course of the therapy. Multiple sessions may be advisable, especially for treatment of chronic complaints. Massage and manipulation typically take place on a padded table or mat, usually over loose clothing, though some direct skin contact may occur. 

Massage is vigorous; this treatment is generally not appropriate for those with osteoporosis. Further, care should be taken when treating pregnant women, or anyone sensitive to massage. Finally, any skin issues or open wounds should be considered carefully. Discuss any concerns with your practitioner before treatment begins.

Benefits of Tui Na

Though Tui Na is often sought out for the treatment of specific ailments, like other forms of TCM, it is a holistic approach to treatment and is commonly used as preventative maintenance or to increase overall well-being. People suffering from musculoskeletal discomfort, including chronic back and neck pain, report lasting relief as a result of Tui Na. It is also used to stimulate the digestive system and to help with  stress-related disorders. For further reading on the effectiveness of Tui Na, including how it differs from more Western approaches to massage, click here


Contact us at Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine to learn more about Tui Na, or to discuss our whole range of courses and treatment options. We’ll be happy to match you with the programs and services best suited to your needs, and we’ll help you determine whether Tui Na is a good fit for you. 

Study at SITCM can take your career to the next level Enrol now to our July intake. 


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