If you are experiencing chronic pain or significant muscle aches and tension, getting a massage can be a great way to help with the pain. When looking for a
massage, receiving a remedial massage can be the best massage option. There are many benefits of  remedial massage that can help to manage your pain and assist in your recovery.

Tailored Approach

One of the main advantages of a remedial massage is that it will provide you with a tailored approach. When you first go in for a remedial massage, the first part of the process will include completing a variety of different tests to determine what areas of your body are exactly experiencing and causing the pain.

The therapist will then be able to develop a personalised approach to help alleviate your pain through the remedial massage process. This will include plans for individual sessions as well as long-term goals that can be tracked for progress. The detailed and personalized approach can provide you with far better results than more generalised treatment options.  

Treats Variety of Ailments

Another advantage of remedial therapy is that it can be used to help with a variety of different common ailments. Remedial massage therapy is frequently used to help with sciatica, headaches, stiff necks, carpal tunnel syndrome, and a variety of different athletic injuries. Remedial massages cannot only be used to treat these conditions but also prevent them from coming back.

If you are looking for a new career path, becoming a remedial massage therapist could be a great option. A remedial massage therapist will be highly in demand and have a very rewarding career that includes helping other people.

If you would like to become a remedial massage therapist, you should contact us to learn more about how you can obtain the education and training necessary.

 To book an appointment with the SITCM Teaching Clinic complete your details below.

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