
The true measure of SITCM’s success lies in the achievements of our alumni. You are the heart and soul of our legacy, and we are honoured to stand by your side as you drive positive change in the health of your communities.

Thank you to the alumni who attended SITCM’s 2023 End-of-Year Dinner! This article includes a summary of the event’s two alumni speeches.

Connecting with Other Alumni

SITCM alumni are always welcome to attend our end-of-year dinner event. We will let you know when we are taking bookings for the December 2024 dinner. In the meantime, consider joining the SITCM Students & Alumni Facebook group (managed by SITCM alumni) or the 悉尼中医学院交友群 WeChat group (managed by SITCM staff) to get in touch with your old classmates.

Finding Employment 

TCM clinic owners sometimes contact SITCM when they are have a job opportunity. We place this information on our Job Opportunities for Graduates page for your viewing.

Professional Development Opportunities

SITCM also supports alumni with their continuing professional development (CPD) obligations. Our webinars are available to alumni at the discounted rate of $11 per hour (including GST). The CMBA allocates one CPD point for each hour of an SITCM webinar. For a list of upcoming webinars, please visit our Upcoming Webinars page. 

First Aid Courses

The CMBA requires all practitioners to have a current first aid qualification. SITCM regularly delivers accredited first aid courses that focus on clinic settings. These courses are available to SITCM alumni at the discounted price of $140. For more information, please visit our Provide First Aid page.


Some alumni generously donate to support SITCM in its Mission to empower the next generation of TCM practitioners through collaborative learning with healthcare professionals. We greatly appreciate any support that alumni wish to provide.

  • If you wish to donate TCM-related books for our library, please take a moment to first read the SITCM Library Donation Guideline.
  • If you wish to provide a monetary donation, please click the “Donate” link at the top of this page.

Replacement Testamurs

If you have lost your SITCM testamur, you can request a new one by completing our Request for a Replacement Testamur Form.


Key Dates