Academic Integrity Checklist

Academic Integrity Checklist – How to prevent plagiarism in your work

Please check the boxes against your work:

  • I have completed the assignment to the best of my ability with honesty and fairness.
  • I have produced the work myself; it has not been done by someone else.
  • I have actively taken notes and noted the sources from where they came from such that I have avoided using these notes without proper acknowledgement.
  • I have not included any references that were not used.
  • I have not made up any references.
  • I have not copied and pasted information from a source.
  • I have paraphrased or summarised information from another course and cited it.
  • I have not copied a sentence and swapped a few words out, as this is considered plagiarism.
  • I have consulted the APA referencing guide on Moodle to ensure my assignment is referenced correctly. If I am unsure about my referencing and citations, I have sought help from my lecturer/tutor or the Academic Support Officer.
  • I have checked all the referenced publication dates, authors, web addresses, page numbers, journal names and titles for accuracy.
  • I have submitted my assignment ahead of time to check its similarity score in Turnitin. If it was over the threshold, I amended my assignment accordingly such that it reflected a lower similarity score. I have resubmitted the assignment again to ensure it is below the similarity threshold.
  • I have read the Learning Guide and understand the requirements of this assignment.
  • I have read and understood the consequences of engaging in academic misconduct in SITCM’s Student Academic Misconduct Policy.

Key Dates